with Local resident
Unmanaged vacant houses are increasing and becoming a “negative heritage”
Young people live in urban areas and do not return hometown
The total number of homes exceeds the total number of households due to population decline
The aging of the population is declining and the activities of residents’ associations are not sufficient.
for Traveler
Looking for a rural experience but is there a good tour
want to stay in a place different from hotels and inns
want to stay for a long time on a vacation
There are not enough accommodations for foreign visitors to Japan
Housing concerns
Paying maintenance fees to keep unoccupied parents home
Termite damage
Does the old house have sufficient seismic performance?
Is there sufficient living environment performance even in the summer heat wave and cold weather?
Space concerns
thinking of opening a housing accommodation business at a vacant pace
Want to open an accommodation or cafe in an old private house
Can’t find a good property suitable for migrants in the countryside
Can’t find candidate site for satellite office
Please tell us your worries!!